Sorrento SLSC focuses on providing a safe beach environment while valuing families and excelling in competition.
Beach Safety, Family and Competition.
The primary role of the Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club (SOSLSC) is to patrol the beaches and maintain a safe environment for the public.
Sorrento SLSC is located to the south of the Hillarys Boat Harbour and landscaped parklands fronting on one of the more popular family beaches in WA. The beach is protected from swell by a reef three kilometres from the shore providing a safe beach environment.
The patrol area from the beach extends from Beach Road to the south through to Pinaroo Point to the north.
To do achieve this Sorrento Surf Lifesaving Club relies on its members for support. If you would like to become a Surf Lifesaver there are many areas in the Club that you can be involved with.
Club Staff, Board of Management and the proud members of Sorrento Surf Club are always willing to answer any questions, so please feel free to come down and talk to them.
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27 Aug 2024 by Sorrento Surf Lifesaving Club
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